This is actually a source of quite a bit of embarrassment for me, as I recall fondly the time (some years ago) when I was super organized and on top of all my projects. So, for 2019, I decided instead of calling them "resolutions" and dooming them to certain failure, I will call this my "To Do List," which sounds more like something that has a final end date (in my lifetime!).
We're already closing in on the final days of January, so our first month of the New Year is nearly over! Unfortunately, within the first 5 days of January, I came down with a nasty cold/cough/sinus ailment that took nearly 3 weeks to resolve.... so I feel a little behind in my "to do" activities. And now, this week, like much of Northern sections of the USA, here in Minnesota we're pretty much shut down with dangerously cold weather. So, what a perfect time for tackling a few genealogical related tasks.... like finally get this posting published!
My 2019 Genealogy To Do List is comprised of 8 important goals/tasks that I would like to put energy into, in the coming year. Some of these 8 goals are similar in theme, but I still consider them a separate branch of their own
1. Organization~ FINALLY!
Like every genealogist, I battle with getting organized. A long long LONG term problem. Extra frustrating, because I remember the days of being ultra-organized. I've put some big projects & research opportunities on hold, because I am not just sure what I have and what I need yet. And I'm also hesitant to take on something that will add further to my "piles." I've already began sorting paper piles & going through my file cabinet. Making new folders & purging some no longer needed/out dated resources.
2. Photos- Photos- Photos
I'm very fortunate to have a large photo archive of several thousand photographs! But I need to get them scanned, labeled, organized & properly stored. How can one appreciate a great photo that is buried in a big tote of other photos. This is a perfect Winter project and I look forward to getting to it.
3. Documentation
Sadly, I got sloppy with documentation at different times in my research over the past 25+ years. I have many documents that I need to create proper citations for. Related to other goals, such as Organization & Examining Brick Walls, shoring up my documentation will go hand in hand. Also, it is important to stay diligent with it, so I'm not right back to square one before I know it!
4. Coming Certified
I've thought long and hard for some time about applying to become a Certified Genealogist® , and have decided that 2019 is my year! I have great confidence in my abilities and once I triumph over my battle with clutter & mess, I'll have even more time and space to work on this very important part of my genealogical path.
5. Re-Examine Brick Walls

6. DNA
In the years since I took my DNA test, and then subsequently had 6 other relatives tested, the tests I admininster have hundreds and thousands of matches, and it's time to really break down those results and figure out who's who & why.
7. Writing
In 2018, I got lazy with blogging as well as writing other articles and case studies. Not only do I enjoy it, but it's been a great help in furthering my genealogy research. So, I'm planning on many more frequent blog posts here, as well as beginning to work on some new articles for consideration in other genealogical publications. The genealogy lectures and speaking engagements I partook in during the last year, were a lot of fun! I need to work on presentations for a couple of other topics I've been sketching out, as well as fine tune and update other lectures I've given and continue to present.
8. Continuing Education

So, this large "to do" list feels daunting at times, but ultimately it's a continuing work in progress. I'm fine tuning where I'm going to focus my genealogy energy the next year, but not expecting any miracles to happen!
What are your Genealogy "To Do's" for 2019?