Thursday, January 3, 2019

Happy New Year! It's 2019~

Happy New Year! 
I can’t believe it is 2019--- 
It is mind boggling to me where the last year went to... And with my lack of productivity on numerous fronts, I fear that I may have squandered some valuable time.

Evidenced by my lack of blog activity, I did not have nearly as much time devoted to my genealogy quests as I would have liked! Which is the complete opposite of what I had originally planned for 2018.

Yes, I did speak at the North Star Conference, the yearly Fall Conference put on by Minnesota Genealogical Society And I was able to do some basic genealogy research throughout the year--- as well as continue to analyze and make breakthroughs via DNA.

As has been frequently discussed here in The Dead Relative Collector, having my DNA tested nearly 4 years ago, proved that there was some "biological identity issues" in my pedigree~
So I am NOT exactly who I thought I was...?
I'm STILL Not Who I Thought I Was... Thanks DNA
And DNA results continued to alter my new family as well, as people continued to be just not who I thought them to be.... and that saga will be a 2019 article series.

My biggest research triumph was late in the year, when I finally was able to locate my mysterious Great-Great Grandfather Owen Rutherford Bruce, some years after he was last spotted in the late 1920's. Capping his life story with his death finally lead to a bit of closure in my research, but has also expanded a number of new research avenues! This will also be a follow-up article, as he's made previous appearances here in The Dead Relative Collector.

Getting back into a regular blogging schedule is one of my big goals for 2019! I've already began a huge organizational push in my entire genealogical archive, this 3rd day of the New Year and I'm looking forward to continuing my progress & making the year my most successful yet!

Happy New Year~

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