Sunday, January 11, 2015

Wrapping up my 2014 Genealogy accomplishments

Like many New Year resolutions, my genealogy goals for 2014 weren't totally successful. However, I did manage to make some progress!

Education- In furthering my genealogical education, I participated in 2 large genealogy seminars put on by the Minnesota Genealogical Society. They both had keynote speakers who are giants in our field-- Thomas MacEntee & Judy Russell. I learned great new things and met some fine folks in the process!

DNA- Thanks to some self education and my attendance at the Fall MGS seminar, I felt it was finally time to jump into the world of DNA.  As I write this, ancestry is processing my sample! I will be touching on this subject & the results in the future!

Family Connections- Even though I should have done better in my quest to connect with, and enjoy, my living breathing relatives-- I did attend a family reunion and visit with a couple of genealogy loving cousins. Life is busy, but this is something that should be a priority and will again be a goal in 2015.

Unfortunately, I'm still pretty disorganized-- too much paper that's in the wrong spot-- and a huge photo archive in complete disarray. While I still have a long way to go, I did tackle some pretty large paper piles and slowly began scanning old photos.

I certainly have a large "to do" list for the coming year! Sometimes it seems daunting. Living in Minnesota, and suffering through an exceptionally unpleasant Winter this year, it does make indoors projects easier to begin. So, now that we are entering our second week of the New Year, I have many things to look forward to!

And looking back at 2014, I still feel accomplished! 

What about you? What were your accomplishments this last year?

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